March 13, 2011

mid-March jobs part 1

Cleared the asparagus bed of weeds and established there is only one surviving asparagus plant. (Which hardly matters, as last year's crop was totally munched by asparagus beetle anyhow!);
Sowed the packet of sprouted brown onion sets that I found in the shed;
Dug, cleared and unpotatoified the end of the last year's potato patch, then resowed it with 2 lots of broad beans (crimson flowered and imperial longpod, white).
Took about 5 hours total, and I'm still knackered.

Oh, also moved the calabrese (looking unwell), leeks (looking like grass) and sweet pea (looking like they want to be flowering already!!) to Gwen's greenhouse.

And discovered that my tulips in Gwen's greenhouse have started to flower! Perhaps time to move them to the front of the house.

Posted by Andwynn at March 13, 2011 12:49 AM