Strike update
You may remember yesterday I went through the picket line and was pleased with the professional nature of my colleagues. Well it wasn't so relaxed an friendly on going to lunch. In order to get to the canteen we have to leave the front door of our building and enter the side door of the other. and on the side door of the other they had people that were seemingly slightly more vociferous with their requests not to cross the line, opinions and questioning. I knew I shouldn't have worn a shirt and should have dressed down, I think they thought I was someone who could make a change and picked me out of my colleagues. Anyway after a couple of questions and a bit of personal space issue (for me) I got though to building.
Then as I left there was a few mumblings of 'scab', which I would have expected from elsewhere than the BBC, but I suppose some people just have to descend to name calling. Pity, sent my levels of support though the floor. Some people just have no talent for sociology, I'm no professed expert, but I know what'd piss me off. Suppose it depends on what you're trying to do in a strike, get buy in and further support for your views or upset people to the extent they feel they can't come to work. I'd expected the former from BBC staff, but I guess the BBC isn't all good apples.